I Support Women on their Journeys

I offer support on your holistic healing journey.

  • Are you exhausted?
  • Are you chronically fatigued?
  • Do you suffer from chronic illness?
  • Do you struggle to thrive in your life?
  • Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

"You deserve your happiness"


I am on maternity leave. Therefore I might not be able to provide coaching.

Thank you for understanding.

A Little About Me

I am a Highly Sensitive Person with PhD in theoretical physics and experience as a software developer. Life has brought many changes, and I have started to explore new areas.

I struggled as a child. I was an outsider, I felt lonely, and I had very low self-esteem. I loved school, and summer vacations were about waiting for the new school year to start. My childhood seemed to me many times empty.

I loved my time at the university, where I also met the love of my life, my first husband. I was fascinated by the universe and the physical laws and symmetries that govern our world, from the tiniest molecules to vast galaxies. I was thankful that I had preferred to study theoretical physics rather than philosophy.

During my doctoral studies, I experienced the darkest moments in my life. I was exhausted, and unfortunately, I ended up in the hands of professionals who did not understand me and, I dare to say, mistreated me. My two suicide attempts then followed. I recovered in a different hospital, and I also had a personal shift. I started to write poems, and through poems, I communicated my thoughts and feelings. I also remember thinking: "If people do not understand me, I will try to understand them." I was 26 years old.

I did not know my life struggles were due to unmet needs in my childhood and a suppressed personality. I formed negative beliefs about myself like "there is something wrong with me," "I am not good enough," and "I am shameful.". I also did not know there were traumas deep in my subconscious that were draining me. Looking back, I was fatigued all the time, and I was pushing through.

I always had premenstrual pains. This is a sign of endometriosis, and pain with period is not normal. Later, I developed a chocolate cyst on my left ovary, a myoma in my uterus, and mild permanent pelvic pain after my first husband passed away. He was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and for 21 months, we all fought for his survival. I was exhausted, depleted, and not well. I was 33 years old.

I married again. I married a mutual friend of mine and my first husband. We struggled to have children, and after three unsuccessful IUIs and three unsuccessful IVFs in my country, we decided to have 4th IVF treatment in one of the best clinics in a different country. We luckily had 2 healthy embryos frozen.

I did not know I could address the underlying causes of my endometriosis naturally and holistically. My chocolate cyst and myoma kept growing and reached the size of 6cm (cyst) and 2cm (myoma). When I learned about natural ways, I decided to postpone frozen embryo transfer and put my body into the best shape possible to give the embryos the best possible environment.

On my healing journey, I learned about healthy diet, toxins in the environment, and personal products, the impact people can have on our health, and how our past can influence our nervous system and immune system.

I am a complex trauma survivor. I survived two suicide attempts. I went through young widowhood. I experienced chronic fatigue and struggled with infertility. I am a living witness to when one gets the right information, the right environment and support, and puts the knowledge into action; a person can heal.

I recognized what was draining me of energy, what unhealthy behavioral patterns I carried from my childhood. I recognized my perfectionism, people-pleasing, and self-criticism were protective patterns that no longer served me in adulthood. I addressed my diet, swapped personal products and cleaners, searched for new supportive people, and met my past.

I have more energy than I did when I was twenty-something. My cyst stopped growing and my myoma reduced. I have discovered many creative talents. I know my true self now. Along my journey, my marriage improved as well. I thank my coaches, Reiki healer, and EMDR therapist for all.

"You can get through, be alive, complete and whole."


Hana is a wonderful coach! I always leave my calls with her feeling encouraged, supported, and loved. She always recognized something in me that I was doing well even when I was feeling in such despair! Even though this was not part of the coaching call, her many talents inspire me and her drawings and music moved my soul!

Strawberri Bayles Young

I really enjoyed my coaching sessions with Hana, she has a warm and kind presence which makes you feel safe to share what is on your heart.

She understands well what you are experiencing and supported me through her questions in expressing my feelings and exploring my thoughts without judgment. It gave me to motivation to define and take clear steps for my personal well being. I also appreciated her advice which also opened new perspectives and her kind follow up from session to session. Thanks a lot Hana.


My coaching experience with coach Hana has been a game-changer during these struggling days. Journaling is an effective tool for sorting through thoughts and emotions, and meditation took it to the next level. During our sessions, I discovered a safe space where I could open up without fear. My coach's ability to create this environment was truly remarkable. Her support and guidance helped me tackle self-doubt, regain confidence, and unearth inner strength. This coaching journey not only improved my journaling but also gave me invaluable insights into myself. It's been transformative, and I owe these positive changes to my coach. I'm immensely grateful for my coach's unwavering support.

Thaint Yadanar Zaw

Coaching & Pricing

The coaching is unique and is based on the premise that deep subconscious traumas may be stored beyond the level of consciousness, activating the nervous system and inhibiting the immune system. The environment is super safe. I am a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), empathetic, compassionate, and gentle. You will have space to uncover the causes of stopping your body from healing. I will also share tools and knowledge that I will perceive may be helpful for you.

Coaching sessions are held each week. Each call is via Zoom (audio or video, according to preference) and lasts 30 minutes.

Email VIP Support is also included in my services.

every 4 calls for 120 EUR with email support

* There are further options for those who struggle financially.

* Low prices are my donation to the world.

May it be a healthier and better place.


I am on maternity leave. Therefore I might not be able to provide coaching.

Thank you for understanding.

H-TB s.r.o.


Dr.rer.nat. Hana Buchalíková Bujňáková

Email: hanagbeauty@gmail.com

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